Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Most Charisma You've Ever Seen out of KG

Kevin Garnett has been known as a lot of things during his successful career in the NBA, but a funny guy has never been one of them.  Except for one fateful night in February 2009 when KG really took offense to an outfit chosen by HTGHGB Staff favorite, Craig Sager, and he really let him know about it. Sager has always been know for his ridiculous suits and colorful dress, but according to the 13-time NBA All Star, he took it a little to far on this evening.

OUCH. Garnett goes as far to even tell Sager to burn the red socks that America can't see, sparing no detail. I must say, I agree with KG on this one. Many of Sager's outfits have been fantastic, but this one is just ridiculous. The all red look from the waste down is not a viable option. Sorry Craig.

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