Monday, January 24, 2011

NFL Sunday Roundup - An Sad Return to the States

Greetings all.  First let me apologize for the lack of new posts on the site lately.  I pulled an Amar'e Stoudemire and have been getting in touch with my roots in Israel for the past two weeks and have been unable to provide witty commentary on the most happening sports events of late. Fret not, followers. All is about to return to normal.

Let's start with a quick recap of what we learned in today's NFL Conference Championship Matchups

1) It's tough to come back from down 24-0. At halftime, the Steelers had more points than Jets had plays run on offense. The Jets dug themselves into a big hole in this game and still almost managed to come back, but it was too little too late. Mark Sanchez was excellent today, posting a 102.2 QB rating, but it just wasn't enough. For the first time all season, the Jets were helpless at stopping the run and the defense couldn't get off the field. As a Jets fan, I respect the effort, and had we gotten a couple of breaks we could have easily came out on top, but once again the season ends one game short of the Super Bowl.

2) The things that Ben Roethlisberger does that makes him so good do not show up in the box score. I've always been a fan of Big Ben, but he really took it to another level today. Playing very banged up with a bum ankle and vicious charlie horse courtesy of Calvin Pace in the first quarter, he still showed great mobility in the pocket and the ability to evade the rush to extend plays that Brady was unable to do last week. How long ago does all the rape allegation and negative image stuff seem now? We all know he can win big games and I wouldn't be shocked to see him win a 3rd ring, but that being said...

3) The Packers are going to win the Super Bowl. As a predicted earlier this year, the team from Green Bay is the best in the league and will hoist the Lombardi Trophy in 2 weeks. The Packers won today because of their defense, which shows their versatility as a team. Rodgers had 0 TD's and 2 INT's in this game and that sure won't happen again next week against a very beatable Steelers secondary, so I just don't see how the Packers finish the game with less points than the Steelers.

4) BJ Raji might become the best defensive linemen this league has seen in a long time. BJ and N'damukong Suh will battle for the title of best DL in the league for years to come and it's a competition I am excited to see develop.  Raji is so good at collapsing the pocket by consistently pressuring the QB up the middle, making him a terror both in the passing and running game. His pick 6 today just went even further to show how good of an athlete he is and if I were a Packers fan, Raji's #90 is the jersey I would want to get.

5) Brian Schottenheimer is worse at his job than any other human in the universe is at theirs. If I called him just the worst offensive coordinator in football, it would be the understatement of the century. For the past few seasons I have time and time again questioned his play calling, and today's goal line effort with the Jets down 24-10 was just the icing on the cake. There's not another coordinator (or sane person) who would throw consecutively on 2nd & goal and 3rd & goal from the 1 yard line in that situation while the Jets running game was finally clicking. Attention Mike Tannenbaum - FIRE BRIAN SCHOTTENHEIMER.

More posts to come soon, including some hilarious video's, outrageous athlete tweets, the latest fad in pro sports, and a Super Bowl preview. In the meantime, Lil Silly signing off.

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